宅宅學英文 pro-加名詞 表示同意或支持

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常看到 pro-接名詞 這種方便的用法,整理一下pro的三種意思:

1. Professional 專家的縮寫,

Don’t mess with me, I’m a pro.

2. the pros and cons 優缺點,( = advantages and disadvantages)

The pros of getting vaccinated far, far outweigh the cons.
After weighing (the pros and cons), he resigned from his job and started his own business.

3. pro-接名詞,表示同意或支持,反意可用 anti-接名詞

pro- life 反墮胎 vs pro- choice 支持墮胎選擇權
Both parties strongly deny being pro- Beijing.
兩黨都強力否認親北京。2022/11/27 路透社新聞提到


weigh 真是一個好划算的單字,用途真廣。

weigh v. 秤重;權衡評估
outweigh v. [aʊtˋwe] 比…重;比…更重要/有價值 顯示較少