Netflix美劇學英文 - on edge 不是在邊緣上

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On edge 如果只看字面,在邊緣上,其實蠻寫意它實際的涵義:情緒不穩、情緒緊繃


A. Richard Newton Distinguished Innovator Lecture Series - Ama Marston

(at 34:10)

For me, walking lately has tended to be a way that I reduce my stress
I’m having trouble with while giving myself an outlet so that I don’t create this cycle of just chewing things over and chewing things over. Somehow, if I’m physically moving,it shifts things for me.
if you’re on edge, and they say something to you, and it kind of makes you jump instead of going, “Oh well, that’s interesting, could you tell me more?”


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