Netflix美劇學英文 - take sth/sb. at face value 信以為真

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從哪看到:馬男波傑克 (BoJack Horseman) S2 E02

字面上很寫實,take something/someone at face value, 意指只憑表象毫無懷疑地信以為真,通訊太方便,這個時代要散播任何有心或無意的訊息都很快且具殺傷力,養成對任何傳遞到自己眼前的資訊都要有求證的習慣,不然就讓所有的訊息全部止於自己這端,不要再轉傳出去。

反義就是我不相信,看美劇常常會聽到 [I don’t buy it (我不相信)]簡單又好用。

分享兩段有用到take … at face value的youtube影片,youglish真是方便練聽力的網站

How (and why) Russia hacked the US election | Laura Galante

(at 08:01)

This is power in the information age.
And this information is all that much more seductive,
all that much easier to take at face value and pass on, when it’s authentic.
Who’s not interested in the truth that’s presented in phone calls and emails
that were never intended for public consumption?
But how meaningful is that truth
if you don’t know why it’s being revealed to you?
We must recognize that this place where we’re increasingly living,
which we’ve quaintly termed “cyberspace,”
isn’t defined by ones and zeroes,
but by information and the people behind it.

The Open Mind: Susie Says – Susie Essman

(at 12:00)

about comedy and about the tradition in Jewish life of questioning,
of not just taking things at face value
of questioning and does this mean this,
does this mean that?
You know and really taking things apart and looking at them through a different lens.
You know, and having an open mind …
so I think that that’s, that’s part of a Jewish tradition also.
And that’s what comics do, we look at things in a different way, in a twisted way and we ask a lot of questions.

take sth at face value
I don’t buy it

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