Netflix 美劇學英文 deep down 果然是很深的內心深處

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Deep down 內心深處

馬男波傑克第五季第六集,波傑克在一場喪禮上發表悼詞,這整集都是悼詞內容還有穿插他對父母回憶與相處片段,忍不住將deep down貼到草稿裡,其實第一季連兩集(11跟12)都有用過deep down這個字眼,只是悼詞實在太衝擊。

lines from Bojack horseman S5E6

Bojack: I kept waiting for that, the proof, that even though my mother was a hard woman, deep down, she loved me and cared about me and wanted me to know that I made her life a little bit brighter. Even now, I find myself waiting.


後來某天在家跟小朋友們一起看Disney+時,他們正在看Raya the last dragon 尋龍使者:拉雅,又聽到同一個字,決定要趕快寫出來好了

SISU: If we’re just honest with her, deep down, I got a feeling she wants to fix the world as much as we do.



it’s no use to stop her, deep down she is a hopeless romantic. 阻止她是沒用的,骨子裡她就是個無可救藥的浪漫主義者。

hopeless romantic: 無可救藥的浪漫主義者

photo by Yuri_B from Pixabay


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