Netflix 美劇學英文 Follow Through 堅持到底

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Follow through 堅持到底

Bojack horseman馬男波傑克,Todd 跟 Mr. Peanutbutter 嘗試了許多神來一筆的創意,第一季第12集他們開了一家店賣smoodie的店,smoodie 是從smoothie (奶昔冰沙)延伸,把smooth改成s~mood 把心情打成冰沙?到底賣什麼,他們也解釋不出來,總之先砸錢開了店,舉辦開幕派對再說,產品到底是什麼,認真就輸了,Mr. Peanutbutter 在派對上跟Todd說了以下:
Mr. Peanutbutter:

All right. Now we just got to make sure we focus and actually follow through on this. I’d feel awful if this great idea fell apart because we got distracted by something else, as we are often wont to do.


follow through on/with sth.,試著造句:
You don’t have to have super power, just follow through with what you say, and I think this is outstanding.

wont [wʌnt]可當名詞/形容詞/動詞,慣於經常,as we are often wont to do.這句對白用了often又用了wont,強調了一直以來都這樣做。

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay


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